Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Enjoying the Rareness of a Malaysian Blizzard

SDC11414 Can anybody guess where this is?


I suppose I have scared off half of my readers with my previous lengthy, dull and lack-of-visuals posts. But not to worry, the upcoming posts will be back to normal – photo spamming again.

This post shall be about my first class outing with my University of South Australia 1.10 classmates, since I failed to attend the steamboat buffet party due to my tuition. Well, credit goes to Teong Jin for organising another great successful event for the class.

First, we started off with Dim Sum at USJ 21. This was rare as I seldom eat Dim Sum; in fact, I never eaten them with my friends before. To my surprise, he not only invited the present classmates of ours, but also other course mates and our last year’s classmates.

So that were just some of the photos we have taken at the restaurant. The business owner must have felt overwhelming when he saw such a big group of 30 college students roaming into his premise. The humorous thing is that he asked us have we just finished tuition at one of the nearby tuition centres. Do we really look like afternoon session high school teens,or even worse, primary school kids?  Anyway, we had plenty of fun feasting with long-time-no-see friends and present classmates.

Next would be the blast when most of us went to Sunway Pyramid. And so, four cars led by the insane Haw Yang, Shan Lung the womaniser, veteran Teong Jin and the motherly car owner Sim Ee raced to the destination through several different directions, just like in the movie of Fast and Furious 4.

When we reached there, our group split into half whereby some want to watch Marley and Me, and the other half prefer to indulge themselves at Red Box. I guess you should have known me by now and I don’t think I even need to clarify which I have chosen.

Once we reached Red Box, our already-divided group has been separated into another two parts: English songs room and Chinese songs room. Guess what was my decision this time? If I you have thought that I would go into one of the rooms only, you are indeed wrong. I know I was greedy because all along, I always monopolise the microphone, just like Zheng Yang. But that was only in one room. Now, I was actually taking control of two rooms and I just shifted myself from one room to another when my songs are in turn. So basically, I synchronised all the order of the songs in my favour and sang non-stop from 1pm to 4pm. This was not even rare, because I never had a chance to sing in two rooms simultaneously before.

Thanks to Haw Yang who triggered me into yelling and shouting during Shake It, I almost lost my voice and I can’t talk loudly for a day. I do hope everybody enjoyed despite me monopolising every end of Red Box. I also want to apologise to Tien Jiun for being late an hour when you can actually finish singing all the Jay Chou songs by then. This was my first time seeing Nicholas and Benedict going out of their mind along with the rhythm of Please Don’t Stop The Music, my classic. On the other hand, Kaylie and Jo Ee were busy doing their duets in the other room. I feel really sorry for Kar Mun who fell sick on such a occasional day and was unable to join us due to that. Here are some photos of our KTV Party and lastly, a video of our final song of the day inserted for your pleasure (or more like Welcome to Hell).


Video recorded by Kaylie. Sorry for the sound defects because the zooming does not record sounds. Maybe you all should hope that the whole video is muted so that you don’t even need to listen to my extremely out-of-tune voice at all.

SDC11426SDC11425 Photos snapped by Haw Yang who has a camera phobia (Shin Yi, 2009), inside and outside Sunway Pyramid’s mirror lift despite the fact that we were already late for class.

What’s even rare was that I actually skipped Marketing PASS (Peer Assisted Study Session) because of all these. Since we spent too much time calculating our individual bills for the singing, we left Sunway at 4pm (the time when our Management Block Lecture begins). By the time Haw Yang found parking right in front of Taylor’s Main Campus, it was already 4.20pm. Therefore, this became the next rare occurrence because I was only severely late for lectures once. Professor Luke Faulkner, the South Australian lecturer greeted us by saying something similar to ‘better late than never’ and ‘thanks for coming’. All thanks to KTV! This is my phrase of the day:


What’s worse is that the other gang was still watching Marley and Me when we arrived at the Lecture Theatre. What a long movie! Maybe we should start naming our class the Class of Tardiness. Eventually, they arrived around 10 minutes after we came and Prof Luke repeated the same words again.

I guess that’s all for my first class outing where so many first happenings occurred on that day. I really do hope our class which has only a lifespan of 4 months will be able to gather like that every once in a while, even after it dies.

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